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Tell us more about what services you’re interested in
For us to help you, we need to know which of the services that we offer that you would like to know more about. Please read the descriptions of the programs and services we offer below, and then select the ones you’re interested in and then we can get started crafting a custom plan just for you!
Home Purchase
Click here if you are purchasing a home in the New River Valley
I am interested in taking an in-person Homebuyer Education Class.
I am interested in personalized home purchase advising, including shopping for the best mortgage product and interest rate
What is the primary area in which you are looking to purchase a home?
--Select One--
Floyd County, VA
Giles County, VA
Montgomery County, VA
Pulaski County, VA
Radford City, VA
Roanoke County, VA
Roanoke City, VA
Salem City, VA
What other areas are you interested in?
Please click on one or more of the locations listed in "Available Areas" to move it to the "Selected Areas" column; to remove a selection from the "Selected Areas" column, simply click on that selection to move it back to "Available Areas".
City of Radford, VA
Floyd County, VA
Giles County, VA
Montgomery County, VA
Pulaski County, VA
Roanoke County, VA
Available Areas
Selected Areas
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